In June 2012, extracurricular "Pecinta Alam" hold Sumbing mountaineering.

climbing days I,

we gathered at school promptly at 7 am, and then we do a warm up, check equipment, and wait for the builder datang.setelah gather all we also walk up to the road while waiting for the bus that would take us to the destination.

after hours of 09.00 am bus came, traveling from Trunk to the first terminal, and then we went back up a second bus to get to the location, because the bus could not get past the first one of our goals. after a long journey we too until 14:00 pm after the break we started getting ready to climb the mountain. each person brings different equipment. The carrier bag I was carrying two sleeping bags, mattresses, medicines, mineral water, flashlights, food, sugar, nesting, knives, and a raincoat. we also set off around 17.30.

The first purpose is heading 1, approximately 3 miles from basecamp. we passing settlements, fields containing vegetables cabbage, mustard greens, and plants that live cold areas. This route is in the form of a neat rocky road and uphill, because the farmers as well. after some time we came to a dirt road and climbs more pronounced. often we stop to unwind because of the terrain uphill. finally we also arrived in the mail one we do not rest, immediately followed leading to the post 2.

The road to post 2 begins with a road shaped like a ladder, and the fog began to be felt. the road uphill and downhill we also often stop for a drink and unwind. after some time we also got the post 2. Here we briefly break for dinner. even though food potluck that instant noodle, food shall bring for climbing. interval of 2 hours we continued the journey.

in this way street begin to feel gritty and there is no place for tools so we help each other one sam. although many times we slipped but we are still eager to reach the top. and at around 01.30 am we also decided to take a break, but because of the circumstances we are less tired and strategic place to camp we were forced to sleep only repose tent and a raincoat (poncho), with a covered sleeping bag.

ascent of the day II,

although we sleep very simple and the cold night wind was blowing pretty hard, but we slept quite soundly. then we have breakfast with a potluck. after just before 07.00 am we continued the journey to the summit by bringing goods which need it, because here the terrain is too heavy to carry all the equipment so we just bring a box of mineral water and medicine.

in the journey of my friends who are not strong so it should go back to camp. after there are two intersections, the first and the second downhill road uphill road. in there me, yulia, izan and bakdama rest while waiting for our seniors to come because we missed the front group. seniors I take the road uphill, because me and my friends do not know the path we follow it. after the journey is quite long and rocky terrain we uphill until finally at the top of a dead-end. we also are confused how to get back down there enteurage under the peak of this dead end.

we were stuck in a dead-end and peak at an alumni diketawain because one took the road. and after thinking the way to get to the summit we also find a path that is quite complicated. we also climbed down slowly and carefully because if one takes the steps we will fall down immediately ditebing our karen. with the help of alumni and escort us all the truth can finally proceed.

after passing the "watu box" and not some time we also finally reach the top of the mountain Sumbing. wow cool, beautiful view from here, there are many mountains are visible from here, the mountain Sindoro, Merbabu mountain, Mount Merapi and much more.

we did not linger long dipuncak, we also immediately fell into bed last night. after we got some lam. Here we ate late. to eat rice, eggs and tempe tastes amazing, even though it feels normal and arguably not comfortable we still eat it. after our meal break.

we packed up to go down the mountain, the way down is expected to be much faster can a brisk walk or run small. after a while we also get to 2. Here we post a quick break and then back down again. My own journey down this fall into a hole about 1.5 m high enough, so I ask for help from other climbers to help me because I slipped. after that I was more cautious again. although often I fall because of sandy road.

half way through the post first, my friend there is unwell (feverish), so after Dipos 1 we also decided to spend the night here, because if it was continued to be dangerous with my friends. I am a 4 person tent, my tent next to the abyss, if we move a lot we can fall into the abyss.

the next day we packed up and went down to the base camp, before arriving at basecamp we ask for mineral water to residents because we ran out of water. after that we went on again and finally arrived at basecamp. we also rushed spotless clean, shower and eat breakfast. after completion there we also took pictures, and we also buy T-shirts chipped finally returned to Batang.

#Truly amazing experience, I did not expect to reach the top ... hopefully next time could climb again ...

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