Ungaran Mountain

Ungaran Mountain located in the south - Southwestern Semarang city with a distance of about 40 km, precisely in Semarang district. Mount Ungaran including volcanoes. The mountain is composed of three mountains namely Mount Gendol, Bald Mountain, and Mount Ungaran.

The highest peak of Mount. Ungaran has a height of 2,050 meters above sea level. Ungaran Mountain has three lines to the top of the climbing lane Gedung Songo temple, Jimbaran path, and the path of Medini. Of the three lines which are often in the path of climbers passed Gedung Songo temple and Jimbaran path.

To reach the summit of Mount Ungaran takes about 5 hours from Gedung Songo temple, or about 8 hours of Jimbaran. The mountain can be climbed from Jimbaran - Ungaran, or from Taman Wisata Candi Gedung Songo - Ambarawa. For outdoors enthusiasts from West Java and East Java could use ground transportation train from western Java Tawang Jaya train ride from the station Senen - Jakarta to the station Poncol - Semarang. East Java, take the train from the station turi market towards Poncol Semarang . Arriving at the station Poncol we ride the city bus to the terminal Terboyo, followed by a small bus Bandungan majors.

Ungaran Mountain has an altitude of 2050 meters above sea level, the landscape is covered with thick forest and there are many tourist attractions, as well as sacred places that are worth visiting. Panorama on top of Mount Ungaran Merbabu we can see a very strong and large when viewed at the summit of Mount Ungaran.


  • From Termina Terboyo looking down at the bus department Bandungan market jimbaran 10,000, - a journey of approximately 45 minutes. 
  • Motorcycle taxi from Jimbaran market to post the first roses ascent of 15,000,-

Ascent Path Jimbaran

Heading Up Roses resumed with a trekking trip to the Post II or Pos Shadow. From Post Rose we can see Merbabu and Mount Telomoyo. We use as much as possible the atmosphere of this charming panorama with documenting every moment of nice.

Beginning our journey start forest vegetation typical of the mountains with a slightly closed so the air is quite cool. Then began to climb the terrain and vegetation began to open, so that when the weather is dry it becomes dusty terrain. Proceed with a field trip that began entering the forest again with a lot of trees so that the atmosphere becomes cool, on our way there we passed a river and a small waterfall so that the atmosphere becomes cool. The sound of water and the breeze so cool and peaceful with the atmosphere of the place is still covered with large trees Ungaran mountain.

From waterfalls proceed by walking to the right with a track that uphill and back sloped. Crossing the forest area as far as 1 km will take us to the plantation Sikendil. In coffee plantations, there are huts and water reservoirs that resembles a pool.

There is a branching path, to the left is toward the top being straight is the path to Babadan, Ungaran. The road uphill until then leveled off somewhat towards the T-junction which is the path to the top. At the end of the road is flat, we get to at the junction the kendil, a branching on the border between the coffee plantation.

Hamlet Promasan 
To the top we take the left path, but we should rest first in Hamlet Promasan down towards the right which is also a climbing lane from the direction Boja-Kendal. Promasan hamlet located in the middle of a tea plantation with the number of houses only about 25 houses. 

Ungaran Mountain peak view of this location is magnificent. Climbers usually stay at home Biyung but does not sell food, to eat have to cook yourself. While at home the father of the RT provides food stalls and other equipment. If you want to open the hood there is a fairly broad field near a public bathroom.

There is a Japanese Goa amidst tea plantations. The cave was built during the Japanese occupation and the Japanese soldiers hiding place when World War II. Cave of Japan in the form of a long corridor about 150 meters. There are spaces on either side of the aisle. This cave has 3 pieces entrances that also serve as air vents. To enter the cave had to use a flashlight, and when it rains the water can enter the cave to become slippery.

In addition to Japanese Caves Other attractions such as Temple Promasan the form of an open public bathrooms are decorated with sculptures simple. It is said that by bathing in this place will make us younger.

To the summit of Mount Ungaran 
From the hamlet Promasan climbing down the path followed by in the middle of a tea plantation. At the end of the tea plantations we will see that is not so dense forest with mountain and pine lamtoro decorate. Next we will find paths meeting, take the straight path because the left lane is a lane from the junction. If we do not go down to the village Promasan but directly summit of the T-junction, when seeing this branching take the left path. Normal mileage of a T-junction and Promasan village to the summit is 2 hours with rugged terrain, full of rocks, and we often have to climb up the rocks one meter high.

Halfway or about 1 hour walk, we will see the rock cliffs with elevations of about 20 feet and decorated by savannas with rare trees. This area is very hot during the day and blustery in the absence of protective trees grow, mostly just reeds that we can meet here up to the peak.

It is recommended that climb to the top at night or early in the morning, in addition to safe drinking water also to avoid the scorching sun that can burn the skin. Pathway requires high vigilance here, as we pass through a steep rocky ridge big and slippery. We take the footpath around the cliffs.

If you've reached a small forest ridge flanked by two mountain peaks Ungaran means imminent. Above the forest we can see steep cliffs, the trail to the cliffs along the middle towards the left and then turn right and finally came to a peak altitude of 2050 meters above sea Ungaran and decorated by a monument built by the military Battalion of Semarang. From the summit of Mount Ungaran we can see Sumbing, Mount Sundoro in the southwest.

Down Mount Ungaran passing lane Gedong Songo be an attractive option. By crossing a fairly dense forest and slippery roads when it rains, climbers are required to remain vigilant because many branching paths that will take hikers to the brink of or into the path of ascent lainnya.Jalur long and slightly sloping often also have to go down a hill-climbs very steep giving a different feel in the mountain climbing Ungaran.

Up and down hills Ungaran when done in the daytime there are unique, we can enjoy the atmosphere of fairly dense forest with steep cliffs decorated mountain tops Ungaran. Especially when we are in a valley flanked by two peaks.

After about 3 hours walking across the tracks that criss-cross anatara and steep ramps in the middle of a fairly dense forest, open path across the meadow into. During the day it got very hot and a lot of dust in the dry season so that should keep a distance with climbers in front of him because of the dust created by the climbers in front of her footsteps. Nevertheless we will be treated to beautiful views towards the mountains and swamps Dizziness Merbabu along perjalanan.Sedangkan in the southeast, we see Mount Telomoyo, Merbabu, and Mount Merapi.

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