Sindoro Mountain

Sindoro - 3,136 meters above sea level, there are at least three names well known to the public, Sindoro, Sundoro or Sendoro. Is included in the ranks of the volcano that has a conical shape with the type of Strato. From a distance it looks like two twin brothers and the Sumbing between Sundoro, stood firm in Waterford District boundary west and east of the town of Wonosobo. Between them, separated by a saddle Kledung (1,405 m.dpl) that crosses the highway, connecting Wonosobo Magelang.

Mount Sundoro have coordinates / Geography at 7 18? LS and 109 59.5? BT and has a fairly broad area of ​​Forest Area which is managed by Perhutani Wonosobo (772 m.dpl) and Waterford. Was at its peak, we could see the surrounding scenery, part of a stretch of mountain slopes planted with tea gardens surround the slope makes Sindoro looks green all year.

In the eastern part of the top of a flat measuring 400 x 300 m there is a large twin craters measuring 210 x 150 m, while the plains Segero Wedi, Banjaran, in the west and north, is the rest of the primary and secondary crater. Parasitic cones and craters found on the slopes of the southwest and northeast and in the feet southeast. Several hundred feet of the hill in the northeast according to Taverne and van Bemmelen is the remainder of a landslide erosion before the land before history or of lava.

Route Ascent
This volcano is easily reached from all directions, from east of Magelang, from west of Banjarnegara, from the north of Candiroto or Malay, while from the south of Purworejo. For Sundoro mountain climbing, there are two general pathways that are usually used, namely; Kledung and passing through the village of Desa Sigedang (Tambi).

Line Kledung 

To achieve Kledung Village, Magelang bus ride from the majors to Wonosobo or otherwise, down in the village next Kledung Dieng Restaurant Pass. Travelling from the direction of Wonosobo just 3 Km. For lodging facilities in Kledung still not available, the only lodging in Wonosobo or Magelang, but we can stay at home or in the home village head of the local community.

In the village Kledung we can see an interesting sight towards good or towards Mount Sundoro Sumbing. Approximately 0.5 hours drive we will exceed the population of the woods and fields until at Watu Gede. Approximately 0.5 hour trip again we would get Situk, climbers and post here we can rest here. From Situk forwarded again, we'll see a fork in the road, straight and to the right.

Should we take that straight because this way is faster but more uphill, while the right path is flat and passes through the hillside, the two paths will meet in Pestan and can be reached within 2 hours of Situk.

Walking around 2-3 hours again we get Tatah Stone, somewhat rocky region. To the top takes 2 hours away, near the top we took a detour from the left towards the right to the top. From the village to the top of Sundoro Kledung this takes 7 hours and the drop takes 4 hours.

Mountaintop Sundoro a plateau area (400 x 300) meters, which is adjacent to the east there are two twin crater area (210 x 150) yards. While in the west and north are the plains Segoro Wedi and Banjaran and two unnamed plateau, which is the remainder of the primary and secondary craters.

According to the tradition of the people here every 1st Suro, the New Year in the Javanese calendar-Islam, many people who climbed Mount Sundoro this, to hold salvation at the summit.

Sigedang path-Tambi 

Sigedang Path is a path that is somewhat difficult because the roads were uphill so rarely make the climb through here but the line was much in use as a line down because it is faster and closer to the Valley of Dieng. To achieve Sigedang, from the direction we are taking a bus to Wonosobo Dieng majors, dropped in Rejosari or Tambi, about 15 Km.

The next trip to the walking / riding a motorcycle taxi heading toward the village Sigedang about 4 Km. Conditions Sigedang already paved road leading in and around the street we could see the expanse of the tea plant. Beginning the climb we started here. Walking past the stony path down the garden - tea garden during the 2 hour drive to the limits will be the tea plantation forests (4 Km). From here we continue climbing through the streets tend to be uphill for 3 hours will arrive at Watu Milk.

Watu Milk is an area that has the characteristics of a large stone which comprises 2 units. According to the trust of the population, this is a rock from Mount Sundoro breasts. From Watu Milk to the top takes about 1.5 hours. The trip to the summit of Mount Sundoro Sigedang takes about 6-7 hours and the drop takes 4-5 hours drive.

To make the climb through Sigedang must first report to the chief. Here we can stay in the local community who generally makes a home as well as a mountain guide. To make the climb to Mount Sindoro through Kledung no special permission before making the climb but we should note the name on his home Kaur development (village government) as a sign of consent aware climbers ascend.

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