Sindoro Mountain

Sindoro - 3,136 meters above sea level, there are at least three names well known to the public, Sindoro, Sundoro or Sendoro. Is included in the ranks of the volcano that has a conical shape with the type of Strato. From a distance it looks like two twin brothers and the Sumbing between Sundoro, stood firm in Waterford District boundary west and east of the town of Wonosobo. Between them, separated by a saddle Kledung (1,405 m.dpl) that crosses the highway, connecting Wonosobo Magelang.

Mount Sundoro have coordinates / Geography at 7 18? LS and 109 59.5? BT and has a fairly broad area of ​​Forest Area which is managed by Perhutani Wonosobo (772 m.dpl) and Waterford. Was at its peak, we could see the surrounding scenery, part of a stretch of mountain slopes planted with tea gardens surround the slope makes Sindoro looks green all year.

In the eastern part of the top of a flat measuring 400 x 300 m there is a large twin craters measuring 210 x 150 m, while the plains Segero Wedi, Banjaran, in the west and north, is the rest of the primary and secondary crater. Parasitic cones and craters found on the slopes of the southwest and northeast and in the feet southeast. Several hundred feet of the hill in the northeast according to Taverne and van Bemmelen is the remainder of a landslide erosion before the land before history or of lava.

Route Ascent
This volcano is easily reached from all directions, from east of Magelang, from west of Banjarnegara, from the north of Candiroto or Malay, while from the south of Purworejo. For Sundoro mountain climbing, there are two general pathways that are usually used, namely; Kledung and passing through the village of Desa Sigedang (Tambi).

Line Kledung 

To achieve Kledung Village, Magelang bus ride from the majors to Wonosobo or otherwise, down in the village next Kledung Dieng Restaurant Pass. Travelling from the direction of Wonosobo just 3 Km. For lodging facilities in Kledung still not available, the only lodging in Wonosobo or Magelang, but we can stay at home or in the home village head of the local community.

In the village Kledung we can see an interesting sight towards good or towards Mount Sundoro Sumbing. Approximately 0.5 hours drive we will exceed the population of the woods and fields until at Watu Gede. Approximately 0.5 hour trip again we would get Situk, climbers and post here we can rest here. From Situk forwarded again, we'll see a fork in the road, straight and to the right.

Should we take that straight because this way is faster but more uphill, while the right path is flat and passes through the hillside, the two paths will meet in Pestan and can be reached within 2 hours of Situk.

Walking around 2-3 hours again we get Tatah Stone, somewhat rocky region. To the top takes 2 hours away, near the top we took a detour from the left towards the right to the top. From the village to the top of Sundoro Kledung this takes 7 hours and the drop takes 4 hours.

Mountaintop Sundoro a plateau area (400 x 300) meters, which is adjacent to the east there are two twin crater area (210 x 150) yards. While in the west and north are the plains Segoro Wedi and Banjaran and two unnamed plateau, which is the remainder of the primary and secondary craters.

According to the tradition of the people here every 1st Suro, the New Year in the Javanese calendar-Islam, many people who climbed Mount Sundoro this, to hold salvation at the summit.

Sigedang path-Tambi 

Sigedang Path is a path that is somewhat difficult because the roads were uphill so rarely make the climb through here but the line was much in use as a line down because it is faster and closer to the Valley of Dieng. To achieve Sigedang, from the direction we are taking a bus to Wonosobo Dieng majors, dropped in Rejosari or Tambi, about 15 Km.

The next trip to the walking / riding a motorcycle taxi heading toward the village Sigedang about 4 Km. Conditions Sigedang already paved road leading in and around the street we could see the expanse of the tea plant. Beginning the climb we started here. Walking past the stony path down the garden - tea garden during the 2 hour drive to the limits will be the tea plantation forests (4 Km). From here we continue climbing through the streets tend to be uphill for 3 hours will arrive at Watu Milk.

Watu Milk is an area that has the characteristics of a large stone which comprises 2 units. According to the trust of the population, this is a rock from Mount Sundoro breasts. From Watu Milk to the top takes about 1.5 hours. The trip to the summit of Mount Sundoro Sigedang takes about 6-7 hours and the drop takes 4-5 hours drive.

To make the climb through Sigedang must first report to the chief. Here we can stay in the local community who generally makes a home as well as a mountain guide. To make the climb to Mount Sindoro through Kledung no special permission before making the climb but we should note the name on his home Kaur development (village government) as a sign of consent aware climbers ascend.

Ungaran Mountain

Ungaran Mountain located in the south - Southwestern Semarang city with a distance of about 40 km, precisely in Semarang district. Mount Ungaran including volcanoes. The mountain is composed of three mountains namely Mount Gendol, Bald Mountain, and Mount Ungaran.

The highest peak of Mount. Ungaran has a height of 2,050 meters above sea level. Ungaran Mountain has three lines to the top of the climbing lane Gedung Songo temple, Jimbaran path, and the path of Medini. Of the three lines which are often in the path of climbers passed Gedung Songo temple and Jimbaran path.

To reach the summit of Mount Ungaran takes about 5 hours from Gedung Songo temple, or about 8 hours of Jimbaran. The mountain can be climbed from Jimbaran - Ungaran, or from Taman Wisata Candi Gedung Songo - Ambarawa. For outdoors enthusiasts from West Java and East Java could use ground transportation train from western Java Tawang Jaya train ride from the station Senen - Jakarta to the station Poncol - Semarang. East Java, take the train from the station turi market towards Poncol Semarang . Arriving at the station Poncol we ride the city bus to the terminal Terboyo, followed by a small bus Bandungan majors.

Ungaran Mountain has an altitude of 2050 meters above sea level, the landscape is covered with thick forest and there are many tourist attractions, as well as sacred places that are worth visiting. Panorama on top of Mount Ungaran Merbabu we can see a very strong and large when viewed at the summit of Mount Ungaran.


  • From Termina Terboyo looking down at the bus department Bandungan market jimbaran 10,000, - a journey of approximately 45 minutes. 
  • Motorcycle taxi from Jimbaran market to post the first roses ascent of 15,000,-

Ascent Path Jimbaran

Heading Up Roses resumed with a trekking trip to the Post II or Pos Shadow. From Post Rose we can see Merbabu and Mount Telomoyo. We use as much as possible the atmosphere of this charming panorama with documenting every moment of nice.

Beginning our journey start forest vegetation typical of the mountains with a slightly closed so the air is quite cool. Then began to climb the terrain and vegetation began to open, so that when the weather is dry it becomes dusty terrain. Proceed with a field trip that began entering the forest again with a lot of trees so that the atmosphere becomes cool, on our way there we passed a river and a small waterfall so that the atmosphere becomes cool. The sound of water and the breeze so cool and peaceful with the atmosphere of the place is still covered with large trees Ungaran mountain.

From waterfalls proceed by walking to the right with a track that uphill and back sloped. Crossing the forest area as far as 1 km will take us to the plantation Sikendil. In coffee plantations, there are huts and water reservoirs that resembles a pool.

There is a branching path, to the left is toward the top being straight is the path to Babadan, Ungaran. The road uphill until then leveled off somewhat towards the T-junction which is the path to the top. At the end of the road is flat, we get to at the junction the kendil, a branching on the border between the coffee plantation.

Hamlet Promasan 
To the top we take the left path, but we should rest first in Hamlet Promasan down towards the right which is also a climbing lane from the direction Boja-Kendal. Promasan hamlet located in the middle of a tea plantation with the number of houses only about 25 houses. 

Ungaran Mountain peak view of this location is magnificent. Climbers usually stay at home Biyung but does not sell food, to eat have to cook yourself. While at home the father of the RT provides food stalls and other equipment. If you want to open the hood there is a fairly broad field near a public bathroom.

There is a Japanese Goa amidst tea plantations. The cave was built during the Japanese occupation and the Japanese soldiers hiding place when World War II. Cave of Japan in the form of a long corridor about 150 meters. There are spaces on either side of the aisle. This cave has 3 pieces entrances that also serve as air vents. To enter the cave had to use a flashlight, and when it rains the water can enter the cave to become slippery.

In addition to Japanese Caves Other attractions such as Temple Promasan the form of an open public bathrooms are decorated with sculptures simple. It is said that by bathing in this place will make us younger.

To the summit of Mount Ungaran 
From the hamlet Promasan climbing down the path followed by in the middle of a tea plantation. At the end of the tea plantations we will see that is not so dense forest with mountain and pine lamtoro decorate. Next we will find paths meeting, take the straight path because the left lane is a lane from the junction. If we do not go down to the village Promasan but directly summit of the T-junction, when seeing this branching take the left path. Normal mileage of a T-junction and Promasan village to the summit is 2 hours with rugged terrain, full of rocks, and we often have to climb up the rocks one meter high.

Halfway or about 1 hour walk, we will see the rock cliffs with elevations of about 20 feet and decorated by savannas with rare trees. This area is very hot during the day and blustery in the absence of protective trees grow, mostly just reeds that we can meet here up to the peak.

It is recommended that climb to the top at night or early in the morning, in addition to safe drinking water also to avoid the scorching sun that can burn the skin. Pathway requires high vigilance here, as we pass through a steep rocky ridge big and slippery. We take the footpath around the cliffs.

If you've reached a small forest ridge flanked by two mountain peaks Ungaran means imminent. Above the forest we can see steep cliffs, the trail to the cliffs along the middle towards the left and then turn right and finally came to a peak altitude of 2050 meters above sea Ungaran and decorated by a monument built by the military Battalion of Semarang. From the summit of Mount Ungaran we can see Sumbing, Mount Sundoro in the southwest.

Down Mount Ungaran passing lane Gedong Songo be an attractive option. By crossing a fairly dense forest and slippery roads when it rains, climbers are required to remain vigilant because many branching paths that will take hikers to the brink of or into the path of ascent lainnya.Jalur long and slightly sloping often also have to go down a hill-climbs very steep giving a different feel in the mountain climbing Ungaran.

Up and down hills Ungaran when done in the daytime there are unique, we can enjoy the atmosphere of fairly dense forest with steep cliffs decorated mountain tops Ungaran. Especially when we are in a valley flanked by two peaks.

After about 3 hours walking across the tracks that criss-cross anatara and steep ramps in the middle of a fairly dense forest, open path across the meadow into. During the day it got very hot and a lot of dust in the dry season so that should keep a distance with climbers in front of him because of the dust created by the climbers in front of her footsteps. Nevertheless we will be treated to beautiful views towards the mountains and swamps Dizziness Merbabu along perjalanan.Sedangkan in the southeast, we see Mount Telomoyo, Merbabu, and Mount Merapi.

Mountain Climbing Lane Sumbing

Sumbing, including Java high mountain located between Temanggung and the region of Central Java Wonosobo stands proudly alongside Sindoro mountain next to it. Bertype mountain elevations of 3,371 meters above sea level this strato, whereas peak condition consists of towering sandstone cliffs surrounded by craters - a small crater sulfur fumes spread. Mountaintop Sumbing consists of two peaks, peak andes, with an altitude of 3,362 meters above sea level and the summit crater, with an altitude of 3,372 meters above sea level. Ascent Path Map Sumbing Via Garung

Climbing this mountain can be done via three alternative ascent route.

Sumbing mountaineering route :
* Rute Cepit Parakan (Pungungan Timur) 
* Rute Bogowongso (Pungungan Barat) 
* Rute Desa Garung (Pungungan Utara)

Ascent Path Cepit 

To climb the mountain via the Sumbing cepit we can stop in front rumasakit Ngesti waluyo, then take the path on the right rumasakit uphill. Here there are no base camp, first time we will run for approximately one hour past the vegetable garden residents. We go through the asphalt road for approximately 1.5 hours ending at an observation post on the building side of the road. 

The post was very eerie because in a population of around inhabited by supernatural tiger. Take the road to the right and then we will see the river on the left side of the track. Then we will hike about two hours of entering the forest, then we will get to the meadow. After that it will meet with Stone Mattress and Stone Lawang. There are three rivers in the post that had water only in the rainy season. 

The path to the summit is very narrow and steep, so grueling, it is necessary to be very careful and maintain stamina. Sumbing Peak gungung shaped small caldera diameter of 800 meters, with a depth of 50-100 m and some sharp peaks. To reach the highest peak should go down again to the left and then up again. There is a sea of ​​sand, there are also local community ancestral graves, known as Ki Ageng Makukuhan. There are some caves one of which is known as the Cave Jugil which is the largest cave. Many small craters in the caldera smoky sulfur. The scenery is very beautiful so that we will feel reluctant to leave the summit.

Ascent Path Bogowongso 
Climbing lane Sumbing via Bowongso a new path that was opened in 2007 by activists alamterbuka (skydoors) assisted with the community and a few others. The village can be reached from the market Bowongso Kertek (located between the highway Wonosobo Waterford) using public transportation or motorcycle. With 1km to the south daripasar Kertek, there is a T-junction to the left / to the east as far as 6 km to the village Bowongso. Arriving at desaBowongso we could go directly to the village chief's house is often used as a base camp by the climbers. Diawalimengisi data themselves in the absence of books provided by the village chief, we could while preparing lunch which we will take it.

Panorama beginning of the climb is the beauty of smallholdings. The trees that grow mostly corn and peppers and other crops. Panorama plantations ended up viewing post. From the view of the substation will be forked, left to rise to the top and to the right of the people continues to surround the estate. Paved road that passed through the land, and still enough ramps to climb up to the post of the post I I. The trip to the post II characterized by trees on the right and left of the road. These trees are generally high waist and are in the right and left of the road so that the trip will focus on the road ahead.

Only occasionally have views of the plains can be seen below. The trees here are most fruitful one which is often found in black forest cherry ripe sweet to be enjoyed. Post II and Post III is supposed to be a beautiful land. Sunlight will directly hit the body. The cold air and wind gusts began to be felt from the Post II and III. Post II and III currently bertanahkan black from a fire that occurred recently. Right and left of the road will look the trees after fires. The trees are also some black and die. But there is also a small portion of land that is still burning.

Also often found green grass begins to grow in plain black. The trip to the post III will take approximately 4 hours. Postal III is the best place to spend the night because the scenery is as high as a mountain peak Sindoro which can be seen directly in the Post III. Postal III is also the last field plateau that may be found before reaching the summit. Postal III is terakkhir dismissal prior to the summit.

Sometimes at night you will hear the sound of gamelan solemn to be heard before a bonfire that can be made in this post. The climb to the summit will be conducted at dawn. The road to the summit of Postal III is getting steep and rocky start. During the trip, Sindoro can always be seen at the rear. From Post Edelweiss III will be found along the way. The trip to the summit will take approximately 3.5 hours. The peak is reached the summit crater. The Eagles are also the highest peak can be reached directly, but of course it takes the capability of climbing to reach it.

Ascent Path Garung 
To climb the mountain via the ascent Sumbing Garung are two paths that can be passed through the left ridge referred to as the old line of the ridge, while the right side is often called the new path. in general many climbers who passed the ridge right hand because it is very easy. Of the three hiking trails, paths through Garung Hamlet is the path that most interest to hikers because this track has a lot of safety instructions and the terrain is more secure and also the travel time by using this path is the fastest compared to the other two lines.

 From Hamlet Garung climbers can start climbing with two alternative paths that climb the old track and the new track. No differences were specific to the second line was just the direction and angle of the climb just a little different. If using a long path it will be very heavy because around (seduplak roto) or fifth kilometer ascent climbers will find a field that berkemiringan climbing about 70 degrees, so that when the rain would be very dangerous to climb. Unlike the new path that lies to the west of the old track, climbing terrain is not as heavy as the old track only when using this path many hikers will pass through the small hilly area so it will feel much longer.

Here are the posts cleft mountain climbing.

Old Route 
* Base camp (Posko pengawasan) (Km I) 1455 M 
* Ladang pertanian (tembakau) (Km II) 
* Malim (Km III) 
* Genus (Km IV) 2240 M 
* Seduplak Roto (Km V) 
* Pestan 2437 M 
* Pasar Watu (Watu Kotak) 2763 M
* Tanah Putih (KM VI)
* Puncak Buntu 3371 M 
* Puncak Kawah (KM VII) 

New Route 
* Base Camp (Km I) 
* Ladang pertanian (Km II) 
* Kedung (Bosweisen) (Km III) 
* Gatakan (Km IV) 2240 M (Pos 2) 
* Krendegan 

After this krendegan then back into one lane (joining long lines) in the 2437 pestan M.

Path to the top after the farm is the path the rocks. Pathway is known landslide-prone rocks so hikers are advised to be careful through this route. After this, the path through the rock climbers will be able to reach the top of a dead end (3371 AD). of this peak climbers must surround the trail to go down to the crater of Mount Cleft Great.

From the top of a dead-end on the morning of climbers can see the magnificent Mount Sundoro located right in front of the eyes and the beauty of Mount Slamet (3428 M) 110 Km west Sumbing.

Travel time required climbers to reach the summit is between 8 to 15 hours depending on the weather and physical climbers. And that's using Garung path that includes the fastest among other lines. If the climbers will try cepit lane or lanes Parakan kalikajar then a trip to the summit can take a day trip because asmapi two track ramps and signs are not as many paths to the top of Garung.

In addition to looking at view off in all directions during the ascent, the mountain also has a crater that can descend. Essentially overgrown by grass and surrounded by rock cliffs. This location can also be a place to spend the night. Find a place some distance from the exit pit crater sulfur fumes.


In June 2012, extracurricular "Pecinta Alam" hold Sumbing mountaineering.

climbing days I,

we gathered at school promptly at 7 am, and then we do a warm up, check equipment, and wait for the builder datang.setelah gather all we also walk up to the road while waiting for the bus that would take us to the destination.

after hours of 09.00 am bus came, traveling from Trunk to the first terminal, and then we went back up a second bus to get to the location, because the bus could not get past the first one of our goals. after a long journey we too until 14:00 pm after the break we started getting ready to climb the mountain. each person brings different equipment. The carrier bag I was carrying two sleeping bags, mattresses, medicines, mineral water, flashlights, food, sugar, nesting, knives, and a raincoat. we also set off around 17.30.

The first purpose is heading 1, approximately 3 miles from basecamp. we passing settlements, fields containing vegetables cabbage, mustard greens, and plants that live cold areas. This route is in the form of a neat rocky road and uphill, because the farmers as well. after some time we came to a dirt road and climbs more pronounced. often we stop to unwind because of the terrain uphill. finally we also arrived in the mail one we do not rest, immediately followed leading to the post 2.

The road to post 2 begins with a road shaped like a ladder, and the fog began to be felt. the road uphill and downhill we also often stop for a drink and unwind. after some time we also got the post 2. Here we briefly break for dinner. even though food potluck that instant noodle, food shall bring for climbing. interval of 2 hours we continued the journey.

in this way street begin to feel gritty and there is no place for tools so we help each other one sam. although many times we slipped but we are still eager to reach the top. and at around 01.30 am we also decided to take a break, but because of the circumstances we are less tired and strategic place to camp we were forced to sleep only repose tent and a raincoat (poncho), with a covered sleeping bag.

ascent of the day II,

although we sleep very simple and the cold night wind was blowing pretty hard, but we slept quite soundly. then we have breakfast with a potluck. after just before 07.00 am we continued the journey to the summit by bringing goods which need it, because here the terrain is too heavy to carry all the equipment so we just bring a box of mineral water and medicine.

in the journey of my friends who are not strong so it should go back to camp. after there are two intersections, the first and the second downhill road uphill road. in there me, yulia, izan and bakdama rest while waiting for our seniors to come because we missed the front group. seniors I take the road uphill, because me and my friends do not know the path we follow it. after the journey is quite long and rocky terrain we uphill until finally at the top of a dead-end. we also are confused how to get back down there enteurage under the peak of this dead end.

we were stuck in a dead-end and peak at an alumni diketawain because one took the road. and after thinking the way to get to the summit we also find a path that is quite complicated. we also climbed down slowly and carefully because if one takes the steps we will fall down immediately ditebing our karen. with the help of alumni and escort us all the truth can finally proceed.

after passing the "watu box" and not some time we also finally reach the top of the mountain Sumbing. wow cool, beautiful view from here, there are many mountains are visible from here, the mountain Sindoro, Merbabu mountain, Mount Merapi and much more.

we did not linger long dipuncak, we also immediately fell into bed last night. after we got some lam. Here we ate late. to eat rice, eggs and tempe tastes amazing, even though it feels normal and arguably not comfortable we still eat it. after our meal break.

we packed up to go down the mountain, the way down is expected to be much faster can a brisk walk or run small. after a while we also get to 2. Here we post a quick break and then back down again. My own journey down this fall into a hole about 1.5 m high enough, so I ask for help from other climbers to help me because I slipped. after that I was more cautious again. although often I fall because of sandy road.

half way through the post first, my friend there is unwell (feverish), so after Dipos 1 we also decided to spend the night here, because if it was continued to be dangerous with my friends. I am a 4 person tent, my tent next to the abyss, if we move a lot we can fall into the abyss.

the next day we packed up and went down to the base camp, before arriving at basecamp we ask for mineral water to residents because we ran out of water. after that we went on again and finally arrived at basecamp. we also rushed spotless clean, shower and eat breakfast. after completion there we also took pictures, and we also buy T-shirts chipped finally returned to Batang.

#Truly amazing experience, I did not expect to reach the top ... hopefully next time could climb again ...

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