Legend of Mount Ungaran

Ungaran mountain is a volcano located on the island of Java, Indonesia. With an altitude of 2,050 meters, the mountain is the first high-mountain riders seen from Semarang to the south, on the right side (west). According to historical records, other names of this mountain is Karundungan (inscription Kuti), Karurungan / Karungrangan (Tantu Panggelaran), Karungrungan (Bujangga Manik, Aji Saka Fiber, Fiber Kanda), Kroenroengan (Domis, 1825), and Ngroengroengan (Bleeker, 1850, Friedrich 1870).

At the foot of this mountain lies Ungaran city, the administrative center of Semarang regency.
Mount Ungaran including strato type volcanos. This mountain has three peaks: Gendol, Bald, and Ungaran. The highest peak is Ungaran.

From the top of this mountain, if it would be seen looking north Java Sea while if turned, will be visible range (from left to right) Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Mount Telomoyo and Kendalisodo with Swamp Peningnya, Sumbing, Sindoro Mountain, and Mount Boat .

There is no clear record of the activities of this mountain. However, it is estimated this mountain has erupted in the days of ancient kingdoms, the most powerful eruption that destroyed two-thirds of the peak of the original so that it can be seen now is only a third of an ancient volcanic mountain Ungaran. It is estimated, the mountain is going through a deep sleep and at times can be active again.

Mount Ungaran have Hill dipterocarp forest, dipterocarp forest Upper Montane forest, and ericaceous forests or mountain forest.

On the slopes there are archaeological sites such as Gedong Songo (Javanese: gedong = building, Songo = nine). There are also several waterfalls (waterfall), including waterfall and waterfall Semirang Lawe. There is also a cave, which is known as the Cave of Japan. The cave is 200 meters before the summit, precisely around the township Promasan (township tea pickers). Here there are also the ruins of the ancient baths.

According to local myth, on a mountainside in the ranks of this temple there is a crater sulfur smell Dasamuka tomb. It is said that love drunk Dasamuka buried in the crater is by Hanuman. Hanuman himself then settles in Mount Telomoyo oversee Dasamuka if at any time rise. Dasamuka could rise if he smelled of liquor, to the local community (first) did not dare to drink in the area Gedong Songo.

Origin of fairy tales similar version of Mount Ungaran

According to local folklore Mount Ungaran place Gedong Songo stands of yore used by Hanuman to amass a large fight in the war Dasamuka Dewi Sinta. As is known in the story of the famous Ramayana pawayangan Dasamuka been kidnapped Dewi Sinta from the side of Rama, her husband. Sprott to seize back the great war broke out between the armies of giant Dasamuka against ape forces aided Rama Hanuman leadership. Syahdan in the war Dasamuka that magic can not be stoned to death despite various weapons by Rama. Seeing that the son of god Hanuman was then lifted a mountain to hoard Dasamuka body. Be Dasamuka buried alive by the mountain later known as mountain Ungaran. Dasamuka buried-life-style living at the base of the mountain every day Ungaran be issued moans gurgling sound that actually comes from the hot springs contained therein. Hot springs containing sulfur itself eventually became a shower to remove some skin diseases. In his lifetime Dasamuka reputedly fond of drinking liquor to anyone who came to Mount Ungaran to bring liquor will whet Dasamuka. Smell the alcohol Dasamuka moans became increasingly become, the more marked the bubbling hot springs. If it Dasamuka body moving can even cause small earthquakes. Similarly, according to local stories.

Community believe if Gedong Songo temple is awaited by supernatural beings who nicknamed Mbah Murdo. "Based on the great-grandparent story Gedong Songo built by Queen Sima for offerings to the Dewa," he said as quoted by the Mystery. That said, every time we face a thorny problem queen Sima meditated in this temple in order to get the best solution. Presumably, even this temple has magic powers. The proof, oversized Queen Sima recognized by his opponents. Even some subdued kingdoms and subject to the rule of Queen Sima. However, Siswoyo asserted, the story is simply passed down from ancestors. Until now a lot of visitors who perform special rituals in the temple. They begged for help in a variety of purpose can be granted. Reportedly, the temple is the most widely used for meditation is a temple located in the top row.

Before entering the Gedong Songo, visitors should have to ask for permission first to Mbah Murdo, which is believed to be the magical inhabitants of this region. Say hello to him, so that your trip or ritual undisturbed. In the area of cultural heritage temple Gedongsongo average temperature 19 to 27 degrees Celsius is proved to have the best bio-energy in Asia. Bioenergy in this region even better than in the mountains of Tibet or other mountains in Asia. Once we breathe bioenergy can provide freshness in mind, so bring fresh ideas. This will greatly help provide progress and improve the quality of life. Many springs with the foul-smelling smoke. That said, the water is full of good luck. Especially to cure skin diseases suffered by a person. Sacred spring was guarded by Nyai Gayatri, a woman from the island. That said, during his lifetime Nyai Gayatri is the queen's maid Sima, which is believed to be the first king in the land of Java. When it died, he chose to keep an eye water containing sulfur. Reportedly, Nyai Gayatri classified benevolent beings. He likes to give help to others, especially to cure various types of skin diseases. But, do not try to underestimate him because it can be fatal. Once upon a time there was a visitor who urinated in the spring. Suddenly she screamed as there are strangling him. After being taken to the paranormal, apparently, Nyai Gayatri, keeper of the springs was offended by the act of the visitors. After apologize, and even then incurable disease again.

The historians until now could not say when the temple was built and who the founder of the temple complex Gedong Songo. But look at the architecture of the temple, especially the shape of the temple foot frame, it can be concluded this temple contemporaneous with Dieng temple complex. The possibility of this temple was built around the eighth century AD, during the reign of Sanjaya Dynasty. It's just the name of its founder king can not be known. Gedong Songo temple Hindu religious background, this can be seen from the statues that occupy niches of the temple. For example statues Ciwa Mahadeva, Ciwa Grand Master, Ganeca, Dhurga Nahisasuramardhini, Nandiswara and Mahakala. According to experts about Evi Saraswati temple mentions the temple in Indonesia can be divided into two types. Namely Hindu temples and Buddhist temple. General characteristics of the two types lies in the shape of the building. Hindu temples tend to lean, sharp and high. While the Buddhist temple is round and big as Borobudur temple. Judging from the function of the temple is also divided into two functions, namely the temple as a place of worship, or worship and temples were used as a burial place. While the temple complex at this Gedong Songo expected a temple for the funeral. Because when found around the temple there are a lot of ash. Very likely this is a former combustion ashes of the deceased. According to Hindu teachings of the deceased are usually burned. The temple building is still intact form now only five buildings, the temple I, II, III, IV and V. The temple I consists of the building and is still intact, the temple II consists of two buildings of the main building is still intact, and the other is not intact. Temple III consists of three buildings which are all still intact. Temple IV there are four buildings of the temple, but only stayed one temple buildings are still intact. While Temple V Gated marks the foundation of the temple which shows that there formerly a lot of the temple. But now living one of the main temple building is still intact. Temple VI, VII, VIII and IX now no longer clear the remains, because there are some ruins that there are many who secured. Similarly, some statues are also kept by the Asylum and Archaeological Heritage in Central Java.

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